Monday, January 19, 2009

Old Friends and New Adventures

There's something so special about old friendships. Laura was one of my best friends in High School and thanks to blogs and facebook we recently reconnected. We haven't seen each other in more than a decade, but picked up right where we left off. I was thrilled to see her after all these years. Laura has always been a beautiful girl on the inside and out. And now, as we approach our latter thirties, she is freakin' amazing! Not to mention she's training for the C d'A Ironman this summer, and I want to be there to see her do it.

So, what's the new adventure? This is a picture of me with Laura and Kelli at Mt. Spokane. We took a skate skiing lesson and once I get the hang of it I think I'll really like it. It definitely feels counterintuitive to "skate" along on long narrow skis and trust that you won't end up flat on your hiney...which happened a couple of times. Thankfully the cameras didn't come out for that part. Still it's a great way to play in the snow and get in a good workout at the same time. Staying committed and active through the winter has been good for me, whether trying something new or making myself get out and run in the snow. It's all part of meeting my goal to run a half marathon this spring. So here's to old friendships and new adventures!


Kayla Jode said...

Sounds and looks like you guys had a great time skate skiing... I hope I can go next time!! I loved hearing about the "adventures" in yourshate skiing event that explained the whole "hiney situation"!! Love you Mama!!!

Laura and company said...

I am catching up on blogs and I'm so embarrassed that I've missed this many. It's the Facebook Vortex that has sucked me in, I tell you! I had so much fun with you that day and I hope we can go up again. Hey, we kinda talked about next weekend, right? Still game?