Friday, October 31, 2008

Dressing Up

This little piggy went to preschool... I gave Maisie the choice between dressing up as a princess or a pink piggy. As much as she loves animals, watching her Charlotte's Web DVD and telling me about the farm we're going to live on I wasn't so surprised she chose the piggy costume. It's a good thing too because there were three other princesses in her classroom this morning and we all know how devastating it would have been to lack individuality for such an occasion. ;) She's quite serious about this stuff. I said, "I love you Maisie." She said, "I am NOT Maisie! I'm a PIG!"

Each year Kayla's school has a parade around the school so doting parents can rush out with their cameras to snap pictures of their kids in their costumes. I was right out there with the best of them! It was fun to see Kayla and her friend Nicole, aka Thing 1 & Thing 2 from Dr. Seuss. The wigs, however, were intensely itchy and I can pretty much guarentee they took them off the second the parade was over.

Considering the cold fall rain we're having I don't think we'll have many trick or treaters...Sounds like a good night to cuddle up with a movie and a gigantic bowl of candy!


Kayla Jode said...

Thanks for coming to take pictures of nickie and I! It was hilarious how many people were saying, "oh look, it's thing one and thing two!"